Horses for Sale

Training  Horses for Sale/Lease Stable Riding Lessons

Horses for Sale

Every horse has had natural horsemanship.  I strive to match the right horse with the right person.  If it's not a good match then I wont sell. 

Penny - paint pony. Pony carded at 13.1 5/8,  7 years old.  Real sweet pony and watches out for young kids when they are around. Easy to ride and very quiet on the trail. Takes an intermediate rider to jump but beginner can ride in the ring and on the trail. Schooling jumps at 2'6-3. Showing at 2'3-2'6. Shown in 2 shows and placed in each one. Her third show she took champion for her division. Very quiet at shows. She clips, baths, trailers, and pulling of the mane is fine. Asking $7,500 

Black and white double regestered paint/pinto mare.  Grand daughter of Blue Max.  18years old and bomb proof.  Proven brood mare and lesson horse.  For sale or on farm lease. Very quiet on and off the trail.  Is currently being used for lessons. She's a great all around horse.  Please call for price and to come see her.

Andrew, 8 year old off the track.  Has some dressage training but loves to jump.  Great on trail and easy to handle.  Looking for a half lease, on farm.  Call for more details.

13 year old Full Fresian,  Looking for lease only. Has been in training all winter for dressage. Picture to come.